

The default export is getLogger.

Within transpiled dist/ version, the default export is available as oddlog.default.



See transformers.


The exported attribute levels has a key-value mapping from lowercase level name to the number value. In addition an uppercase attribute for each level is exported directly as well:

INFO = 4
WARN = 5



Creates a new logger based on passed options.

Parameter Type Description
name String The name of the logger (also used as store key for getLogger).
options Object optional. Any options for the logger (see below).
payload ?Object optional. Payload for all logs of this logger and its children.

The options parameter may provide the following attributes:

Option Type Description
transports (?Object)[] default: [{type:"stream"}] - A list of options to derive transports of. Each entry creates one Transport.
transformer Object default: stdTransformer - Transformer mapping to apply to log payloads.
ownPayload Boolean default: false - Whether the given payload may be modified by the Logger.
ownChildPayloads Boolean default: false - Set the default for ownPayload of child and logging methods.
singleTransform Boolean default: true - Whether transformations shall only be executed at log level. If set to false the inherited payloads will be transformed before caching. This can speed up the logging (especially for computational complex transformers), but will freeze the value of inherited payload for all its logs.
meta ?Object default: [platform,host,pid] - Static meta information to add to logs. The default values are os.release(), os.hostname() and process.pid. Set to null to disable meta information.
typeKey ?String default: "_type" - The key to use for a payloads (nested) type identifications. Supported types by the log reader can be specified within any payload data at this key.
logSources Boolean default: false - Whether to add the source code location of the logging method caller to log records.
messageFormatter ?{String}Function<String,?Object|String...> default: util.format - The formatting function to use for log messages.
level Number,String default: INFO - The initial level for the stateful logging methods.
shy Boolean default: false - If true, transport fallback level will be WARN instead of DEBUG and stream transport fallback format will be "simple" instead of "raw".

Returns: A new Logger instance.


Creates a new logger based on passed options and stores it within the logger store.

The arguments can be either of the two signatures below:

Parameter Type Description
name String The name of the logger (also used as store key for getLogger).
options Object optional. Any options for the logger (see createLogger above).
payload ?Object optional. Payload for all logs of this logger and its children.
Parameter Type Description
key String default: logger.loggerScope.name - The store key for getLogger.
logger Logger The logger to store; to be retrieved by getLogger(key).

Returns: The Logger that is being defined.


Retrieves a logger previously defined via defineLogger.

Parameter Type Description
name String The name of the logger to retrieve from store.
... If additional arguments are provided, a child logger will be created and returned; additional arguments are passed to Logger#child.

Returns: The Logger stored at the provided name.


Parameter Type Description
options Object The options for the Transport. If a type attribute is set, it will be used to determine the Transport type.

Returns: The new Transport instance.


Parameter Type Description
key String The identifier of the type (as to be used within transport definition type attribute).
createFn {Transport} Function(options, createTransport) The creation function for new transports of this type. Is called without new keyword and gets passed the options as well as a function that creates transports from options.
checkFn {Boolean|Number} Function(options) optional. A function to check whether to use the type derived from options (does not need to check for type attribute). A returned number will be treated as priority, true has priority 0.
overwrite Boolean default: false - Whether to overwrite already existing transport type with the same key.

Returns: undefined


Parameter Type Description
loggers Logger[] The loggers whose logger-scopes to listen on. Note: Their logger-scopes are assumed to be disjoint.
event String The event to listen for.
cb Function<> The event callback. Called once by each logger-scope.

Returns: undefined


Parameter Type Description
failSilent Boolean default: true - Whether to silently ignore future incoming logs; throw Error otherwise.
loggers Logger[] The loggers to close.
cb Function<> Gets called when all logs have been flushed.

Returns: undefined


Parameter Type Description
plugins Function|{init:Function}|Array The plugin(s) to mix into this package.

Returns: undefined


Last Updated: 8/6/2018, 5:52:36 PM