Class: Logger

The main class of this library. Provides methods for inheritance and logging.


Name Arguments Trigger
log {Log} log Whenever a logging method got called.
child {Logger} child Whenever a child logger got created.
error {Error} error An error has occurred on any underlying data (e.g. streams).

Some transport types emit transport specific events on the logger they are attached to as well.



The scope of this logger.

Type: LoggerScope


The transformers to apply to any payload of logs from this logger.

Type: ?Object


The transports to forward logs to.

Type: Transport[]


The default value whether payload ownership can be assumed to be given to oddlog for logging methods and child creation.

Type: Boolean


The function to call for primary log message formatting.

Type: {String} Function<String, ?Object|String...>


TODO sort methods by similarity

Logging methods


For each severity level, a method is provided as Logger#<level> (e.g. Logger#info) to create a log with that level.

Parameter Type Description
ownPayload Boolean default: logger.ownChildPayloads - Whether to permit oddlog to modify the provided payload.
payload ?Object optional. The log payload. If set to null, no payload is inherited, otherwise it's merged with inherited payload.
message String optional. The primary message. Required, if formatValues are provided.
formatValues String...|Object optional. The format value(s) to apply to the primary message. See util.format()

Returns: this

Examples:;         // log without log-specific payload and message{});       // log with custom payload, {}); // log with custom payload that is allowed to be modified by the logger (for performance
                       // gains)
// The following calls also accept additional formatting parameters."");           // log with primary (formatted) message text{}, "");       // log with primary (formatted) message text and custom payload, {}, ""); // log with primary (formatted) message text and custom payload that is allowed to be
                           // modified by the logger (for performance gains)



Sets the stateful level for calls of the Logger#log method. For each level an alias is provided as well as Logger#set<Level> (e.g. Logger#setInfo) without arguments.

Parameter Type Description
level Number|String The level to use for further logs.

Returns: this


Create a new log with the current level. Same parameters as for the stateless methods.

Returns: this


Resets the stateful level to the default level (can be specified within createLogger/defineLogger).

Returns: this


Returns: Number - The current stateful level.

Guarding methods

For each severity level, a method is provided as Logger#is<Level> (e.g. Logger#isInfo) to check whether any transport might be interested in such logs.

Returns: Boolean - Whether (purely based on the level) any transport might be interested in logs of this level.


Creates a child logger that inherits payload of this logger and uses the same options (such as transports).

Parameter Type Description
ownPayload Boolean default: this.ownChildPayloads - Whether the payload ownership is transferred to oddlog.
ownChildPayloads Boolean default: this.ownChildPayloads - Fallback value for ownPayload parameters of methods of the child logger.
childScope Boolean|String default: false - If set, a child logger scope will be created for the child logger. If a string is passed, it will be appended to the child logger scopes name.
payload ?Object optional. Payload of the child logger. Unless null is passed, the parent loggers payload will be merged into this.

Returns: Logger - The child logger.


logger.child();                // a new logging child; E.g. to create dedicated TriggerTransport cache.
logger.child({});              // a new logging child with additional payload (merged into parent payload)
logger.child(true, {});        // a new logging child with additional payload that is allowed to be modified by the
                               // logger (for performance gains)
logger.child(true, true, {});  // a new logging child with additional payload that is allowed to be modified by the
                               // logger (for performance gains); Set `ownChildPayloads` for the child to `true` as well
logger.child(true, "sub", {}); // a new logging child with additional payload that is allowed to be modified by the
                               // logger (for performance gains); The child uses a dedicated logger scope with a
                               // suffixed name


Closes the logger scope of this logger. This method must not be called on logger children (if they do not have a dedicated logger scope).

Parameter Type Description
failSilent Boolean default: true - Whether to silently ignore future incoming messages. If set to false an Error will be thrown on further logging method calls.
cb Function<> optional. The callback.

Returns: this


logger.close();          // close the loggers scope
logger.close(false);     // close the loggers scope and throw an error on further attempts to log
logger.close(cb);        // close the loggers scope and call the callback when all messages have been flushed
logger.close(false, cb); // the two above combined

oddlog.closeAll(false, [log1, log2, ...], cb); // similar to methods above for multiple loggers

logger.exit(code);       // alias for `logger.close(() => process.exit(code));`


Closes the logger scope of this logger and calls process.exit when done.

Parameter Type Description
code Number optional. The exit code to pass to process.exit.

Returns: this


Registers an event handler to the uncaughtException event on process. The event handler gets removed when Logger#close gets called on the logger or any ancestor.

Parameter Type Description
level Number|String default: oddlog.FATAL - The log level to use for generated records.
exit Boolean|Number|{Boolean|Number}Function<error[,cb]> default: true - Whether to exit when occuring. If a Number is passed, this will be used as exit code.

Returns: this


Registers an event handler to the unhandledRejection event on process. The event handler gets removed when Logger#close gets called on the logger or any ancestor.

Parameter Type Description
level Number|String default: oddlog.ERROR - The log level to use for generated records.
exit Boolean|Number|{Boolean|Number}Function<error[,cb]> default: false - Whether to exit when occuring. If a Number is passed, this will be used as exit code.

Returns: this


Registers an event handler to the warning event on process. The event handler gets removed when Logger#close gets called on the logger or any ancestor.

Parameter Type Description
level Number|String default: oddlog.WARN - The log level to use for generated records.
exit Boolean|Number|{Boolean|Number}Function<warning[,cb] default: false - Whether to exit when occuring. If a Number is passed, this will be used as exit code.

Returns: this


Registers an event handler to the given event on process that logs logs the event data. The event handler gets removed when Logger#close gets called on the logger or any ancestor.

Parameter Type Description
eventName String|String[] The name of the event(s) to listen to.
message String|{String}Function<event,logger> The primary message of the log to generate.
level Number|String The log level to use for generated records.
exit Boolean|Number|{Boolean|Number}Function<error[,cb]> default: false - Whether to exit when occuring. If a Number is passed, this will be used as exit code.
key ?Object|String optional. The payload key to use for the event data - if any. If an object is given, it will be used as payload instead. If omitted, the event data will be used as payload.

Returns: this


Creates a new transport and attaches it to this logger.

Parameter Type Description
transportOptions Object Same options as oddlog.createTransport accepts.

Returns: this


Creates new transports and attaches them to this logger.

Parameter Type Description
transportOptionsList Object[] A list of options as accepted by oddlog.createTransport.

Returns: this


Merges additional payload into this loggers payload.

Parameter Type Description
ownPayload Boolean default: ownChildPayloads - Whether the payload ownership is transferred to oddlog.
payload ?Object The additional payload to add to the loggers payload.

Returns: this


Prepares and caches the final payload of this logger (and inherited ones). According to the singleTransform option, the payload might also get transformed already. The result must not be modified.

Returns: ?Object|undefined - The finalized payload.


Creates a middleware function to be used by express.js compatible routers. The middleware attaches a child logger to the request object as req.log.

Parameter Type Description
ownPayload Boolean default: this.ownChildPayloads - Whether the payload ownership is transferred to oddlog.
ownChildPayloads Boolean default: this.ownChildPayloads - Fallback value for ownPayload parameters of methods of the child logger.
childScope Boolean|String default: false - If set, a child logger scope will be created for the child logger. If a string is passed, it will be appended to the child logger scopes name.
payload ?Object|{?Object}Function<req,res[,cb]> default: {req, res}. Payload of the child logger. Unless null is passed/returned, the parent loggers payload will be merged into this.

Returns: Function<req, res, next> The middleware for express.js compatible routers.

Last Updated: 8/6/2018, 5:52:36 PM