
  • A logger is an instance that provides methods to emit logs.
  • A log message is the primary string of a log. This is comparable with traditional logs.
  • A logging level is the severity of a log; higher is more severe.
  • A log payload is some object with additional information about the state from which the log got emitted.
  • A log record is an entry that arrived at its destination (e.g. a file, a stream, ...).
  • A child logger is a logger that shares some information with its parent logger (logger scope, name prefix, options).
  • A transport is an instance of a class that defines the processing of logs (e.g. write to file, pass to nested transports, ...).
  • A transformation is a function that prepares some payload attribute for log records (e.g. strip unnecessary information).
  • A logger scope contains information that is shared between loggers and their children as long as they are supposed to be closed as a unit.
Last Updated: 8/6/2018, 5:52:36 PM