Performance considerations

While oddlog is a very fast logger, there are still some tricks to improve performance. This is especially useful for logs that will be active in production as all logging methods are no-operation functions if no transport would actually process the message.

Use your environment

The level specification within the transport definition should in most cases be production targeted only. For development, you can set the environment variables DEBUG and/or TRACE to match your logger names.


Use DEBUG and TRACE environment variables for debugging; reserve levels within transport definitions for production.

Source location

Logging the location of the logging call within the source code has a significant impact on the performance. Do not use this in production. It is automatically enabled if an environment variable matches.

Keep it lazy

As they remove the lazy evaluation, the immediate* options should be avoided. If you do not modify payload after logging, you do not need them anyways.


Avoid the immediate* options for deferred transports whenever possible.

Deep children

As children creation is a heavy task, each logger should only have a distinct depth for its children. Also as long as any child is referenced, some data (the absolute necessities) of the parent logger is not up for garbage collection.


Do not create logger children of indistinct depth.

Cache replication

The trigger transport allows cache replication (children get dedicated cache). While this is useful up to some depth, it might get dangerous for many children as the total available cache size is multiplied by the amount of dedicated caches. Just keep this in mind when setting the replicate option.

Last Updated: 8/6/2018, 5:52:36 PM